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World Education Forum in Palestine: October 2010

The International Council of the World Social Forum, in its meeting held on October 8, 2009 in Montreal, extended its support for the World Education Forum in Palestine to be held in October 2010.

Immediately following the decision to hold this forum, formation of an international committee of important global networks on education started. This will put into place an advisory committee that will include many organizations such as Alternatives International, Paulo Freire Institute, World Education Forum, Terrazul (a Brazilian organization working on issues of environment), Moroccan Forum for Alternatives, World Alliance for Art Education, Palestinian NGOs and organizations working on education, Indian education networks such as the BGVS, Frantz Fanon Foundation, Hao Ran Foundation and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. More will be added as we proceed ahead.

Dozens of international and Arab institutions expressed their willingness to be a part of the international committee. Participants from over 120 countries showed interest and will work towards sending participants to the Forum. The Forum will be held in the West Bank and Gaza and other capital cities in the Arab world simultaneously in order to ensure participation of all those who will not be able to travel to Palestine for the Forum.

The objective of this forum should not be seen only as a gesture of solidarity with the Palestinians but also as a way to strengthen the unity of the people in Palestine and to underscore the fact that the Palestinians have lots of resources and experience to offer to the world. It will also be proposed that a meeting of the IC be invited to Palestine at the same time as the Forum is held in Palestine.

The General Secretary of Alternatives International Feroz Mehdi said that the Forum in Palestine will shed light on the social problems faced by the people struggling for peace and social justice around the world and particularly in Palestine. He assured that an international media campaign will be launched prior to the Forum in order to put pressure on the government of Israel so it does not impose restrictions on people who want to reach Palestine for the Forum. The right to education in Palestine is guaranteed by all international conventions and it will be totally unacceptable if the government of Israel prevents the Palestinians to organize educational activities.

President of Alternatives International and director of Teachers Creativity Centre Refaat Sabbah confirmed that the preparation for the Forum started months ago by bringing together as large a number of organizations as possible with educational institutions, teachers trade unions, colleges and universities and other NGOs. He also confirmed that in order to make things run smoothly at the administrative level there will be contacts with the Ministry of Education to assure a successful happening of this historic event.

The organizers are planning the Forum in a way so that the largest possible number of Palestinians can participate, in cities, villages and camps. The cultural and artistic events will celebrate and help to protect the Palestinian cultural heritage.

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